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Recession Survival

Recession Survival

The economic recession brought on by over eager lenders, underprepared borrows, and overzealous government and an economy that cares more about its bottom line than its citizens has been pummeling Americans from coast to coast, and it doesn't show any signs of going away any time soon.
Are you sick and tired of counting your pennies? Looking for a way to be free of the constant fear that one day you're going to walk into your office and find a pink slip sitting there waiting for you? Would you like, just once to be the once sitting back and making a profit instead of the one worrying about whether this will be the week your business is going to have to close its doors?

Let Me Show You How...
Did you know that economic recessions aren't anything new? The lifecycle of the business world very closely resembles the lifecycle of the average insect-it circles around, and around, and around, and...well, you get the picture. There are many stages inside that circle that keep business flowing smoothly and the wheels of progress turning the way they're meant to.
An economic recession is only one of these stages.
Economic recessions are a vital part of the well being and health of our economy, and a study into our history will show that they actually happen on a fairly regular basis-and they usually don't leave much damage behind. Why, then, do we panic so badly at the thought that this time might be our turn to weather an economic recession?
Because we don't know what to do about it!
Business magnates understand that economic recession, a time when consumer spending is going to decrease for one reason or another and have a negative impact on the life and health of their company, is a necessary stage of life. From the moment they step into their corner office they're carefully grooming and preparing the company for the moment when recession is going to rear its unattractive head and take a bite out of their profits.
Those of us who haven't finished our MBA usually aren't that well informed.
Without being aware of the necessity and the inevitability of an economic recession, most of us don't realize that sooner or later recession is going to happen, and it's going to impact all of our lives. We've been lulled into complacency by the constant boom and growth of the American economy, and we're so focused on finding instant gratification for our desires that we don't see when recession starts to creep up until it is far too late.

When you're unprepared for the impact of recession on your life and your business, the consequences can take you completely by surprise.

* Strings of layoffs
* Dramatic dips in the profits of your company
* An increase in outsourced labor
* The disappearance of expendable cash
* A crashing housing market
* Rapidly falling stock prices
* Decreasing values of 401Ks and other retirement accounts
* Companies going bankrupt

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