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Proxy Website Creation

Proxy Website Creation
Description This book will teach you everything you need to know about setting up a proxy website:

1) What is a proxy website?
Not too many people even know that such a thing exists. But once you learn how to set up this type of anonymous website, you can use it for your beneift or allow others to benefit from this type of service as well. A proxy website is an anonymous website that will allow you to gain access to sites that may be blocked from work, school or other public places.
2) How can I get the proxy website to work for me?
If you know how to set up a proxy website, which you will learn when you read this book, you can use it for yourself or you can give access to the website to those who are friends, relatives or even paid subscribers. You can have a proxy website for yourself as well as one for business. There is no limit as to how you can make this type of technology work for you.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

*Introduction to Proxy Sites
*The Basics of Proxy Sites
*Putting It All Together
*Monetizing Your Proxy Site
*File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
*Marketing Your Proxy Site
*Flipping and Selling your Proxy Site

And So Much MORE! 

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