Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Email Marketing Blueprint

Email Marketing Blueprint

Email Marketing Blueprint
While email marketing is not having the effectiveness it used to have, truth be told it's still far from dying because email is an essential Internet tool. It merely means you have to change your approach towards your subscribers if you want to get at least 20% to 28% of them to at least open your emails!

Email Marketing Blueprint

You Will Discover Things Like:
How to monetize from every email you send out (and why 'giving away content' is pure B.S. and the bane of email marketing, contrary to what the average marketer preaches to you!)
What big Internet companies like Amazon and Groupon do to make massive profits from their email marketing campaigns (they just blast out p _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ one after another!)
How to optimize your email subject line to boost your open rates!
How to increase your call to action in your email body
The best time of the day to send out your email! (Did you know that there are also times you're better off postponing your email campaigns, or you'd risk losing 35% of the responses if you had mailed out at a different time?)
The best (and the worst) days of the week to send out your email! (This is TRULY SHOCKING... there are days that produce less than half the average responses from other days!)
Open rate boosters and killers - how simple words can pull an extra +17% and even +12% increase... and avoid wrong words that can drag down your open rates by more than half!
Click Through Rate boosters - like one nifty way increases your CTR by +19%! On the other hand, CTR killers include one popular but overlooked method that actually filters your email into other people's spam folders easily!
And much more...!

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