Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Cellular Cash

Cellular Cash

I used to get angry about our cell phone bills in the past but guess what? NO ONE TALKS NOW! Everyone expects to get a TEXT MESSAGE! So that extra $9.95 addon for unlimited text messaging rocks!

To me is sounds like regression instead of progression but it is just the way it is... So now is the time to cash in big time! Because while your teen is typing away until their fingertips are smoking and blistered, some people are using it to propel their businesses to new levels.

Never before has there been such a low cost medium to stay in contact with customers. Hell like we said... it crushed verbal communications and is on it's way to leaving email in the dust like the roadrunner did to the coyote every Saturday morning...But the problem is... Many businesses aren't taking advantage of it. The reason is they don't understand it and they think it is incredibly complicated.

Well it isn't... and it is a way you can build a really big income... really fast!


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