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Info marketing wizard

Info marketing wizard
Info marketing wizard

Dear Savvy Marketer,

If you're looking for solid advice from a PROVEN entrepreneur who knows how to shovel cash into his bank account like a vacuum on steroids, then this message will give you all the answers you're looking for.

Because I'm going to share with you secret marketing tactics most newbies will NEVER know. This is stuff that'll put ANY marketer into the "money zone" when they take massive action.

But before I do that, let me tell you about the guy who willingly sat down with one of internet marketing's BEST marketers and revealed...

Marketing Secrets Will Allow You
To Stomp On ANY Competitor That
Crosses Your Path!!!

His name is Jeff Gardner. You might not have heard from him. But that's OK, because he only has 3 employees and prefers to keep a low profile.


Well for one thing, he has a marketing acumen like no other. You see, he is one of the top marketers in the business opportunity niche-one of the most competitive niches out there.

Go to the local bookstore, check out the magazines, and take a look at "Small Business Opportunity" magazine. Chances are, you'll see one of Jeff's ads in there. And believe me-to advertise in this magazine, you've GOT to know your stuff.

Believe me, he does. He knows marketing wizardry like no other. This makes sense since he annihilates every competitor that comes his way!

Let me tell you one of his secrets...

Amateur Internet Marketers
Focus On The First Sale!

You see, there are a lot of people who sell $27 eBooks on the internet. Their goal is to sell as many of these books as matter what the cost or whether or not they'll EVER form a bond with the customer.

This is the strategy about 98% of people who start online businesses use. And that's why most business owners NEVER make enough to pay the monthly water bill.

I'm dead serious. You might think I'm making this stuff up. But it's the DARN truth!

Now expert marketers like Jeff Gardner KNOW the secrets to maximizing customer value. They could care less if they sell a $27 ebook over and over again...becuase they're in it for the Mega profits that come after the initial sale!

But unfortunately, people don't listen to the experts who actually make decent money on the internet. Instead, they prefer to listen to internet marketing "blowhards" on marketing forums who only "talk the talk" and never "walk the walk"

One of the people whose NOT one of these losers is Russell Brunson. He rakes in over 3 million dollars online and actually "walks the walk".

But even HE realizes he doesn't know everything. So he decided to hire Jeff Gardner for a one-hour consultation where Russell could pick his brain and get the REAL scoop on what it takes to rake in the big bucks.

It's all right here in this exclusive audio....

Marketing Secrets Of A
Million-Dollar Info-Preneuer

Jeff Garder Unveils Million-Dollar
Info-Marketing Strategies That'll Annihilate
98% of your competitors!

"Marketing Secrets Of A Million-Dollar Info-Preneuer" will give you the inside scoop into one of the most prolific marketing minds today: Jeff Gardner. You'll discover marketing secrets you won't find In ANY marketing textbook and taught by ANY professor on ANY college campus today!

In fact, these secrets are so underground, it literally ticks off the old, stodgy "experts" that hide behind the walls of college campuses-you know, the ones who have never sold a thing in their lives!

That's how potent the secrets Jeff Gardner shared on this 78-minute audio. He basically told it like it is-no matter how many people he ticked off!

Here's just a sliver of the secrets you'll discover on this call:

* How to run an effective information marketing company without having to chase hundreds of employees around the office! (Jeff only has 3 people working for him, yet he's able to shovel cash into his bank account despite his company size!)
* The secret to qualifying buyers to determine if they'll buy from you again and again (I ward, a lot of the marketing "gurus" out there don't know this secret-and it's costing them thousands of dollars a month!!)
* How to test an offer online without ending up in the poorhouse (Sadly people ignore this advice and get financially hosed as a result!)
* How to boost your bottom line even if you're LOSING money on your initial product. (Jeff just laughs at people when they freak out about losing money with their initial sale!)
* The secret to creating a free report that customers will gladly pay for (This is where the lead generation magic begins!)
* How to determine what people are going to buy BEFORE they plunk down a single cent!
* What your free report should consist of (This has been tested over and over again to be the most lucrative format!!!)
* How long should your sales letter be? Jeff, who's a copywriting master, reveals the optimum length of your copy in order to maximize sales.
* ...and a whole LOT more!!!

So, How Much Are Jeff Gardner's
Money Making Secrets Worth To
You...The Savvy Entrepreneur?

Listen, I'm going to level with you's extremely tough to get real, actionable marketing knowledge out there. Unfortunately, there are a lot of "wannabes" out there who'll sell crappy ebooks full of regurgitated information to make a quick buck.

Believe me, this is NOT one of those products. Russell had to pay Jeff $1000 an hour to get a hold of his marketing secrets. Believe me, for that kind of dough, Russell wasn't going to settle for rehashed junk he already knows!

That's what makes this audio extremely powerful. And that's why this audio should be worth at LEAST $1000-the amount Russell paid to extract these direct response tactics from Jeff Garner.

But I'm going to give you a break today. Because I'm going to give you this exclusive audio for a mere (insert price). That's a fraction of what Russell paid Jeff for this consultation.

In fact, the price of this product is irrelevant. Because just ONE secret from this audio can load your bank account with dead presidents-and practically dwarf the (insert price) you paid for this audio.

That's no joke!

But that's not all:

Here Are Some Bonuses I'm
Throwing In To Sweeten The Pot!

Listen, if you read this far, it's obvious you "get it". And that's the only people who I want to buy this report. Because I know you're going to take action ASAP and not let this audio collect "digital dust" on your hard drive.

But if you've read this far and STILL have second thoughts, then this product might not be for you. And that's OK.

But to reward the "action takers" I'm going to throw in the following bonuses that'll help your business skyrocket into the stratosphere!

So Now You
Have Two Choices:

You can rely on $27 eBooks written by "pretenders" who haven't made a legitimate cent online. Or you can rely on that "instant expert" on that marketing forum whose too busy yapping online to make any REAL money.

Or you can spend (insert price) for timeless info-marketing principles from a PROVEN marketer who knows how to rake in the big bucks!

The Choice Is Yours

(insert order form)

What are you going to do with the extra $500, $5000, even $50,000 you're going to rake in as a result of taking action on Jeff Gardner's closely-guarded secrets? These secrets can take you from "zero" to "hero" in no time...all you have to do is take action!

So order today, right now...while it's still hot on your mind!

Thanks for your time!

P.S. Jeff Gardner is a millionaire who makes a killing selling wealth-building products online and offline. He knows the specific gritty details for getting customers to gladly fork over their money! This audio is the key to tapping into Jeff's million dollar brain. Take action and get a hold of this audio before your competition does!

P.P.S. Another thing: I'm offering a 90-day guarantee on this audio. That means if you feel the information in this report isn't going to make you extremely wealthy, then let me know and I'll send you an immediate refund. You have nothing to lose...order today!


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