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List Building Tutorials For Newbies

List Building Tutorials For Newbies


List Building for Newbies

Finally, you can start your journey to list building success... NOW ... Not tomorrow, Not in 12 months' time!
Ok, you get it; you're sick of people talking about how great it is or spend too much that they forget to talk about how to do it. In this video course, it'll be the opposite.
You will gain access to in-depth videos on Email Marketing that shows you the "How to" do it step by step. So the videos don't just cover the surface level about how great email marketing is, because you already know that right? It dives straight into how you get started and what secrets to use to quickly get up and running from scratch. Even a newbie would understand this and that's what the videos are geared towards.

That means you don't need any previous list building knowledge to get started. Here is what you will learn:

* How to find what your list topic will be on
Don't know what list topic you you want to write on? You'll learn some techniques that you can use to brainstorm and find the best topic to surround your list. Your list topic is very important and you want to make sure it's something you are an expert on, you enjoy writing on, and that it is indeed profitable.
* Tools you need to start building your list
There are several tools you will need to use to create your landing pages, build your list, and run your list. In this section, you'll learn exact what tools you can use that any newbie could learn. Now you aren't going to be left in the dark about how to use these tools. You'll learn how to do that step by step in the next sections. The tools used don't require a huge learning curve and that's why they were used.
* How to create a landing page quickly by using a simple method
Creating the content of a landing page does not require a special tool, but with this simple method that you will will be taught; you will quickly and easily begin to build landing pages as if it were something you already knew.'s already in you, you just need someone to take you by the hand and show you how to do it.
* How to create a list, a follow up series and web form
You'll learn how to use an autoresponder and mailing list service that allows you to automate your list building your process for the most part. You can tell the system when you want to send an email and at what time; and it'll do the rest. In this section, you will learn how to create a list, how to create a follow series that will build a relationship with your subscribers, and how to create a web form that you can put onto your landing page.
* How to put the landing page together and make it look nice without knowing HTML
By this section, you would have known how to create the content for a landing page and you'll have the web form code in hand from Aweber. In this section, you will learn how to use a web editing tool to put everything together. Without a drop of knowledge of HTML, you will learn how to use this editor tool to make nice looking landing pages...
* How to create a responsive list and drive traffic to build your list
By now you would have known how to create a landing page that is ready to build your subscriber list. You want to build a list that is of quality, not quantity, as your goal is to produce better results in the future right? Well...Building a responsive list doesn't need to be scary; in fact to build one that is responsive, can actually be fun and therefore fun for your readers. You'll learn several tips on increasing your conversions.


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