Breaking Free
"Breaking Free - How to Banish Bad Habits!" will give you the information and strategy you need to free yourself from bad habits forever!
Did you know that 45% of clients who seek a professional therapist drop out of therapy after two or three sessions? And did you know that for every person who quits smoking by following a treatment program, there are almost twenty persons who quit on their own?
In this special step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to turn your life around!
Defeat Daily Temptations
It's easier to promote a healthy new habit than to get rid of the old one that's causing all the misery. Trying too hard to break a habit is usually a recipe for failure. As long as you're focused on the old habit, you're like a soldier fighting with one hand tied behind his back.
Prepare for a Lasting Lifestyle Change
You'll learn how to replace your bad habits with healthy new habits. Focusing on your new lifestyle is like freeing the hand tied behind your back-suddenly you have power to bring about the change you desire.
Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
The six stages in the process of breaking bad habitsHow to replace bad habits with a healthy new lifestyleHow millions of people have succeeded in breaking a bad habitWhy you have a better chance of freeing yourself from a bad habit by taking responsibility for your own programWhy successful preparation for change means that you set goals for yourselfWhy change is not an event, but a processWhy most successful self-changers fail at least once before they succeedWhy willpower alone isn't enoughWhy quitting a habit cold turkey usually doesn't workWhy a commitment to a more active lifestyle is one of the keys to breaking a bad habit
And a lot more!
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