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Sales Scribbles

Sales Scribbles

Most of the big name gurus use them in their sales letters, and for good reason. These scribbles actually increase conversions. And we all want better conversions, don’t we?

The fact is, a sales page with just plain text is boring. Nobody wants to read a big block of text. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. What you need to do is…

Of course there is a lot more to a good sales letter than that, but all of these little things increase conversions. And you can do all of the above with these “scibble” images. Instead of a sales letter with plain text, you can make it look as if you’ve written on the page yourself, with your own handwriting. Sort of like writing a note to your friend. And this makes a BIG impact.

Here’s the deal, after looking over dozens of sales letters for all the popular and successful products, I created a “swipe file” of all the most used phrases and images on those sites. And then I created my own versions of all those items, in “scribble” form. And what I’ve come up with is……


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