Tuesday, May 07, 2024

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Internet Millionaire Mind Hacks

Internet Millionaire Mind Hacks

I had one of the most enlightening conversations of my online marketing career today. I’d like to share it with you because quite frankly I’d be a broke failed business owner without this, so sit back for a moment while I tell you what I found out and how it changed the prospects of my business forever.

When I first logged onto my computer this morning, up popped a message from one of my long time business friends on my instant messenger, so I plugged in my mic and we got talking about our businesses. After about fifteen minutes of discussing current issues he asked me a question that was real hard to answer..

He said to me ‘Hey, you know while we’re sitting here running our businesses successfully after what, 7 years now? Why is that every single one of our thirty plus contacts we made from day one haven’t made it yet? What makes us so special?’

What followed was probably the most enlightening conversation I’ve ever had. We went over every single person that we had on our contact list that was successful, and every single person that wasn’t and compared them. What did the successful have that those yet to reach their goals not have?


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