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Sales Funnel

Don't let another potential customer escape your clutches ever again!
Sales Funnel
Sales Funnel

 Still at a loss when it comes to understanding what the "perfect sales funnel" actually is?
Simply defined - "a sales funnel is an efficient sales system."
In my new eBook I tell you exactly WHY you need to have an efficient sales system and discuss certain realities of online business including -

The need for every online business to tow in targeted customers rather than just attract window surfers who will not pull out that credit card to buy!

The importance of having a way to send your visitors to your website that does not cost an arm and a leg

How to use paid advertising, such as Google Adwords, to attract targeted visitors to your site

Why using Google Adwords is preferable to using less expensive pay per click programs

How to promote your business for free by publishing keyword focused articles

How to promote your business for free by launching videos on YouTube

How to "borrow" traffic by getting into joint ventures with other marketers with similar operations or niches to your own

How to determine what is more important to you when it comes to adverting and promotion- saving money or saving time?

How to determine who are the most "expensive" customers for you and avoid wasting your time with them

How to make complete strangers more aware of your website or business and convert them into loyal buyers

How to put an automated system in place in your business so that first time customers are encouraged to return to your site to make a second purchase

Why it is a mistake to think that you cannot afford the time or expense required to put together a system that constantly brings back return customers

How exactly you can design a system that can squeeze every possible cent out of your customer starting with their first visit to your web page

Why it is important for you to understand the basics of the Pareto Principle -- also known as the "80/20 Rule "in some marketing circles!

Why you should be applying every tool and resource at your disposal to keep your customers inside your "sales funnel" and minimize the possibility that they will escape from your site without buying!
Are You Ready to Learn How to "Suck In" More Customers Using Basic Sales Funnel Techniques?

If you know anything about business then you know how important it is to design it with some kind of sales model in mind right from the "get go"

In Building the Perfect Sales Funnel I get right down to the brass tacks of how to go about designing the system that is perfect for your purposes without breaking the bank.
I give you ALL of the practical information that you need to know about making the Sales Funnel Business Model work for you including -

A thorough explanation of what the "funnel" looks like metaphorically along with easy to understand diagrams of it

Why the widest part of the sales model funnel is one of the most important aspects of this type of business concept and why it symbolizes your future profits

How to determine whether or not a potential customer is "inside your funnel" (a next to sure bet) or just outside of the "lip" and how to attract them inside and down to the bottom of the tube where they will metaphorically make that purchase!

How to determine the "commitment" level of a customer to your business and decide whether or not they will buy

How to "seed" the internet with items that might attract potential customers to visit your site

How to get a browser on your website to get to a higher "level of commitment" to eventually purchase products from you

How to use a subscriber's newsletter to determine or increase a customer's commitment to your business

How to prequalify visitors to your site to create a flow of traffic into your sales funnel that can make you very rich

How to get the "front end" of your site to attract only those customers who are truly interested in buying and get rid of window surfers who leech the power out of your site' bandwidth forever

What persuasive copy based tricks and gimmicks to use to push your customers deeper into the sales funnel to increase their likelihood of buying from you

The truth about how many times you will have to send a prospect an email before he or she will come back to your site to buy from you!

How to set a price point that will guarantee that a customer will buy from you or return at a later date to buy from you

How to present a suitably well tailored offer to each individual customer so they will buy

How to catch a customer and convince them to make a purchase from you while he or she is still in "buying mode"

How to upsell products to your visitors without annoying them

How to completely automate your opt-in list and the emailing of offers and relieve yourself of a lot of unnecessary effort

Where to find a good autoresponder and how to apply it to your business

Advice on how much money, if any, to spend on an autoresponder

The advantages and disadvantages of sending out email from your own ISP

How to get around firewalls so that your sent information is not interpreted as spam by your customer's computer

How to establish how far each person on your mailing list is willing to go when it comes to buying from you

Where to find software that tells you how long a potential customer has spent time browsing on your site and how to make the most of their attention to what you have to offer

How to create well written persuasive landing pages to attract buying customers

How to find out how effective your landing pages are by taking a look at the Google Adwords Quality Score assessment tool

Why it is absolutely crucial for you to have a site map in place

Why it may be a better idea to simply ask potential prospects for their email address rather than try to bribe them to give it to you by offering a free gift or bonus report

The importance of testing your landing pages before you launch your site

How to get free video landing pages from Google to help market test any video customer "lures" on your site

How to focus on the twenty percent of people who are willing to spend the most money on your products rather than those who will probably spend the least amount of money


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