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Site flipping blueprints

Step By Step Video Program Shows You
How To Flip Sites For A Profit No Matter
How Bad The Economy Is!
Site flipping blueprints
Site flipping blueprints

 The Site Flipping Profit Blueprint program runs for over two hours and fifteen minutes and includes a comprehensive manual, showing you exactly what you need to know in order to succeed as a site flipper.

As well as the 47 page manual, you will get thirteen detailed videos, showing you :

how to sell a website

1 : Introduction
8m 41s

Be introduced to the world of site flipping and learn why it is a great additional stream of income.

2 : What Makes A Good Flip?
13m 02s

Understand what makes a good site for you to sell for profit.

3 : Do You Keep It?
8m 21s

If your site is earning money, do you sell it or do you keep it? Find out in this video.

4 : Finding Ideas
6m 22s

Learn where you can easily find hundreds of ideas for sites to create to sell.

5 : Where To Sell
25m 02s

Be walked through the best place for you to sell your website for maximum profit with a huge market.

6 : Great Place To Sell
8m 49s

A great place to sell your site where it will be snapped up by hungry buyers quickly.

7 : New Place To Sell
10m 49s

A new and very popular marketplace for you to sell your site for maximum profit to hungry buyers.

8 : Where Not To Sell
9m 13s

See the one place people tell you to sell your site that you should avoid at all costs!

9 : Creating Your Site
10m 23s

Learn how to create a site so that it will sell quickly for maximum profit. Understand what not to do that could wreck your site sale.

10 : Keyword Research
9m 56s

Understand how to find keywords that you can rank for quickly and get traffic from to boost the value of your site.

11 : Traffic Building
8m 18s

An overview of driving traffic to your website ready for you to flip it for maximum profit.

12 : Site Flipping Tips
10m 35s

Tips and advice on how to maximize your profit from each site you flip.

13 : Summary
7m 30s

A summary of the course and advice on how to take your site flipping to the next level

Site flipping can be a full time income or a bit of extra cash - it is up to you how much you do and how much you learn.

This program has been created to show you how to build sites that will sell, regardless of the economic climate. With the information in this program you will be able to step away from the herd and leave the behind with the profit you make from your site flips.

The site flipping market is still alive and well and there is a lot of money to be made in it if you know what you are doing. The Site Flipping Profit Blueprint program has been created to show you exactly how to create and market these profitable sites.

Take action now and reserve your copy of the Site Flipping Profit Blueprint program.


[no] Has Private Label Rights
[yes] Has Master Resell Rights
[no] Has Giveaway Rights
[yes] Has Resell Rights

Additional Details

[yes] Can be Included in Paid Membership Sites
[no] Can be Included in Free Membership Sites
[no] Can Be Sold on Auction Sites
[no] Can Be Edited
[yes] Can be Bundled with other products
[yes] Can be Offered As a Bonus to a Paid Product
[yes] Sales Letter Included
[yes] Graphics Included
[yes] Type: Ebook
[yes] Type: Multimedia
[yes] Member Requested Product


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