Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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40 Hours To Twitter Mastery

40 Hours To Twitter Mastery

Cash In With The 10th Largest WebsiteOn The Internet, Twitter...
Tune In To The Global Conversation And GetReal-Time Access To Your Market


This is a course that anyone (even people with very little tech background) can take and follow, step by step, to get their business up and running on the incredible Twitter network.
The course will walk you through all of the required steps from basic setup to advanced customization and automation.
You are a business owner (or a provider of services to them) and your time is more valuable than anything else. We understand that better than anyone else so we have put together a training framework that will minimize your time investment, maximize your results and get Twitter fully integrated into your overall business marketing efforts now!
Here are some of the powerful lessons you will learn:
* How to create an account that gets noticed
* A short and painless process that gets you tweeting within minutes
* Some simple tools that will make Tweeting fun
* How to find key influencer's to follow
* How to get these influencer's to follow you back and network with them
* Using Twitter to find potential prospects who need your stuff today
* How to send Tweets that get noticed and engage new conversation
* Setting up custom searches so you know when, where and who has been talking about problems that your business can solve
* How to enhance your Twitter experience with automation

This course is delivered as a series of 21 videos and a step by step PDF guide that you can use as you watch the videos. Invest just an hour or 2 a day over the next 5 days and you will have all of the knowledge you need to make Twitter a major part of your sales and marketing department.


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