Friday, September 20, 2024

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Pay Per Click Powerhouse

Pay Per Click Powerhouse

Pay Per Click Powerhouse

I will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step everything you need to know about setting up and operating a Pay Per Click campaign so you can start making money. It's really that simple.

* A Collection of 25 Professionally Recorded Videos-This complete video series will teach you everything you need to know about pay per click.
* The Advantages of PPC- Before you actually start practicing PPC, I want you to understand the advantages, so you can use them to their fullest extent.
* The Main and Secondary PPC Networks- You will learn the three biggest PPC networks that account for over 90 percent of all internet searches. You will also learn about secondary PPC networks that have their own set of advantages.
* Getting Familiar and Signing Up With Adwords- Watch over my shoulder as I sign up for a brand new adwords account, and give you a grand tour.
* Creating a Profitable Ad- I will show you everything you need to know to create a well written ad that will catch people's attention while representing what you are selling.
* How to Choose Your Keywords- I will explain how to search for and find the best set of keywords for your campaign.
* How to Understand Google's Ad Scoring- I will break down the criteria that Google uses when examining your ad and landing page, so you can get better results while paying less per click.
* How to Work With Keyword Match Types- I will take you through the different keyword match types, and how to use them to your advantage.
* How to Work With the Content Network- I will show you what the content network is, and how it can be used to gain even cheaper clicks for your ads.
* How to Track and Tweak Your Campaigns- I will show you how to monitor and improve your campaigns to further increase your profits.
* Secret Tip- I will share a secret tip with you that will help you focus on the specific keywords that will experience the highest amount of conversions.


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