Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Niche Video Creator

Niche Video Creator

Before your start using NVC, here is the concept behind NVC. It will help you understand why NVC can achieve and how you can make the best of it.
NVC was created to solve the 2 main issues everyone is facing when you want to use videos to promote your niche products (web site, newsletter...)

  • How to easily and quickly create your video with simple 'point and click' application while still having some flexibility to add text, effects, and configure it (duration, transition, add sound). Many applications exist to create videos (Camtasia, Windows Movie Maker... but you need a powerful PC and technical knowledge)
  • How to publish and distribute your video (if possible doing both at the same time) so that it is easy to do, and that your visitors can further share it easily while profiting from it (allowing your visitor to get credited for the sale
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