Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Composting Boxed Niche

Composting Boxed Niche

That of course is the general idea behind this article. There's a lot of materials out there about composting and compost and the last thing you need is another one that explains the technical aspect of the process and the scientific basis behind the importance of using composts.

Although, I'm not denying the fact that technical explanations such as those are necessary as well, but it would be nice to hear or read something more of layman's approach on the subject. Well that's something that this article would like to do, anyhow.

Compost is an organic substance that is added to the soil which functions more than just being a fertilizer. It is a mulch, a soil conditioner, and something that will help the soil give the best nutrients and minerals your plants need. With compost, the soil also is able to hold more water, which is also beneficial to your plants.


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