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Easy PDF maker

This complete PDF Creation system is unlike anything you've ever been exposed to before.

Imagine never having to worry about your get people to join your list or click on YOUR affiliate link instead of the next guy's.
Easy PDF maker
Easy PDF maker

 For frustrated affiliate marketers wanting to break away from the other poor saps desperately fighting to keep their heads above water and... Unlock the door to big fat commission checks and say goodbye once and for all to the prison other people call a job.

"Introducing A Quick and Easy Way to
Build Massive Profit Pulling Lists, Get People To Click On Your Affiliate Links Instead of Somebody Else's Or Instantly Have Piles of Money Deposited in Your Paypal Account ...100% Guaranteed"

Dear Future Super Affiliate,

In the next few minutes, with your permission, I'm going to send you the all new "How to Create Killer Reports People Will Do Anything To Get" -- absolutely FREE!

This 56 page e-book (that normally sells for $67.00) is bursting at the seams with everything you need to start earning the life changing income, you so richly deserve, with your online business.

Inside you'll get the EXACT Steps to writing reports and e-books people will recommend to their friends - even if you flunked English! And I'm going to hand it to you on a silver platter...

Okay, so why would I be willing to send you such a valuable gift for free?

Well the answer is quite simple: It's a bribe!

A good natured bribe to convince you to take a look at my breakthrough PDF creation Software called: "Easy PDF Maker."

This complete PDF Creation system is unlike anything you've ever been exposed to before.

Imagine never having to worry about your get people to join your list or click on YOUR affiliate link instead of the next guy's. Think how great it would be to know you can make a full time income, finally quit your day job and never worry about your financial future again...while you simply relax and spend quality time with your family.

Wow Frank! Easy PDF Maker really is as "EASY!" as 1-2-3. I followed your instructions and BAM there is it was...ready to use and the features are outstanding. This is on my HIGHLY Recommend list...making your own PDF's just got allot easier!

Here are a few things you can do with this easy to use software:

If you are anything like me you probably have private label products gathering dust on your hard drive. You can use to INSTANTLY make quality reports you can use to...,

(You might want to grab your highlighter and see how many of these powerful secrets you could apply right away):

Outright sell

Create Mouth Watering BAIT to Get People on Your List

Bribe People to Click on Your Affiliate Links

Establish Creditability

Position Yourself as an Expert in Your Field

Any One Of These Strategies Could
Literally Be Thousands of Dollars in Extra Commissions to You...

And this is just the tip of iceberg. Here's what else you can do with Easy PDF Maker

Send the Perceived Value of Your E-zine Through the Roof

Pass word protect your PDF's so thieves can't steal your work by copying and pasting

Disable printing

Save books or articles in Word, RTF, Text or HTML

Edit Word, RTF, Text and HTML files

Add Hyperlinks to Your E-Books and Articles

Use As a Complete Fully Functional and Powerful Word Processor.

Easy to Use Time Management System to Make Your Business Run Like A Fine-Tuned Engine

Backup all Books, Articles, and Reminders all with just one click

Organize your reports, eBooks, articles and notes how ever you want and much more...

Now before we go on, I'm sure you probably have some unanswered questions and concerns. Here is the most common:

Q."I have tried other PDF creators before and all they could do was create ugly looking text files. What makes this Easy PDF Maker different?

A. Well, I know what you mean. We designed Easy PDF Maker so you can easily and quickly create STUNNING reports and e-books

It's easy as pie to insert...

- images

- footers

- page breaks

- page numbers

- text frames

This seems so simple...just consider how much time you will save creating PDF files and how much more you will make when you have your own eBooks and reports, is it worth to you if my system simply {did what it was supposed to do}?

You see, my system contains absolutely everything you need to start creating PDF's and EXPLODE your income, almost overnight. Just about everything is already done for you.


[yes] Has Giveaway Rights
[yes] Has Master Resell Rights
[no] Has Private Label Rights

Additional Details

[yes] Can be Offered As a Bonus to a Paid Product
[yes] Can be Bundled with other products
[yes] Can Be Sold on Auction Sites
[yes] Can be Included in Paid Membership Sites
[yes] Type: Ebook
[yes] Type: Software
[yes] Graphics Included
[yes] Sales Letter Included


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