Saturday, June 01, 2024

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Keeping Spirituality

Keeping Spirituality

Sometimes, you might wonder if the teachings and lessons of the Bible have meaning in your life today. You might also wonder if you have time a better relationship with yourself, others and with God. This is actually the most perfect time for you to consider empowering your spirituality by starting to live a life with God always in your heart and mind. Always consider the kind of relationship that you have with Him and with the people around you.

Let me explain…

Never make promises that you cannot keep. You can look honestly at your past, and you can forgive yourself. You can choose to become pitchers or batters. You can also break those vicious cycles, and most importantly, you can make decisions to move into a more meaningful, deeper relationship with God. He will guide you in every step of the way. Just always remember Him, and always think of Him each time you make decisions in your life, and you will see how He can bring significant changes in your life.

And the worst part? The more you don’t know the less you will succeed!

As a person just like you who has struggled with spirituality, I have searched high and low to find the best strategies to fix this problem and I am fully qualified and equipped to help you put an end to your frustration with trying to wade through all the info you need to know to be a success!

With regards to resolutions, particularly failed resolutions, most people get caught up in the past mistakes and failures so much that they spiritually paralyze themselves. You have to keep in mind that you are human and you can always make mistake.

And all of this up till now is just the beginning!


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