Saturday, May 04, 2024

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Perfectly Profitable Products

Let me take you back almost seven years to when I first started out in my online marketing career, I have an important lesson I’d like to share with you that almost destroyed my business, and if you can avoid it, all the better.

It all started with the very first site I put up. It was entirely online business based, and with dollar signs floating around in front of my face (you know how it is) I dove in headfirst and put up a membership site. This was no ordinary membership site though, it was packed full of live tools such as ad tracking, autoresponders, forums, conference rooms, reviews of services I’d tried and the like.

Everything went well for a few months…

I’d just started out with only bare bones knowledge of business and no online business experience, but before long I was sitting pretty with enough members to replace the income from my job and things were peachy.

The problem was, I was totally unprepared for what came next..

It all started one cold November morning when I received an e-mail from my host stating I’d used all my available resources (those autoresponders really took a lot to run I tell you). Anyway, from then on things went downhill. I had quit my job, but I’d spend all day wrestling with server resources to keep the site afloat, meanwhile my marketing was suffering, new customers were sparse and things started going south.

To cut a long story short..

Nine months later, I found myself bogged down even more so than with my 9-5 job. Things were really going badly, and if I had any hope of redeeming my business, I had to close the site down, which indeed I did. So here I was over a year later back where I started. What a waste. Or was it?

If you take nothing else away with you today, ask yourself this.

Do I have the resources available, the time and money available to run my online business? Do I know which method of presentation, whether it be single sale, membership, licensing is right for me and my business? These are the questions I thought I knew the answer to, and only just recently, after seven years of trial, error and a heck of a lot of cash ($38,378 to be exact) do I truly know how to answer these questions and avoid business disasters like the one you just read about.


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