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Facebook Essential Training

Facebook Essential Training

This is a comprehensive Facebook training program that will show you step-by-step how to get a massive amount of traffic through Facebook.

You’re going to discover the exact tactics successful Internet marketers and major corporations use to gain exposure for their businesses.

Here’s everything you’re about to learn:

Module 1: Overview

Here you’re going to get an overview of the entire process from setting up your page to gaining a fanatical following.

Runtime: 4:41 minutes

Module 2: Finding A Killer Niche

In this video you learn about how to find a killer niche that is full of people who are passionate about their niche, almost obsessed with finding out more about their interests, and have the ability and willingness to buy.

Runtime: 4:03 minutes

Module 3: Creating Your Page

Watch over my shoulder as I show you step-by-step how to create your Facebook page and the details you need to add in order to make it an effective page for your business.

Runtime: 4:06 minutes

Module 4: Profile and Cover Photo

Discover how to add profile and cover photos that will get people to like your page immediately, and have them start raving about your business.

Runtime: 5:24 minutes

Module 5: Custom Tabs

Here you will learn about why you need to have custom tabs on your page, what you need to actually include on those tabs, and of course how to create them and set them up properly so they look great on your page.

Runtime: 8:36 minutes

Module 6: Status Updates

This video shows you the different ways you can use status updates to successfully market your business on Facebook. It’s going to cover how often you should update your status, what kind of updates you should make, and why if you ignore doing this you could be jeopardizing your marketing efforts.

Runtime: 10:14 minutes

Module 7: Insights

This is where I reveal exactly what you need to know about Facebook Insights, so you can track and measure your page’s performance and effectiveness.

Runtime: 9:17 minutes

Module 8: Getting Fans

Discover the different strategies you can use to get more fans to your page and have them not just interacting with each other, but also telling their friends about your page so they can join as well.

Runtime: 9:26 minutes

Module 9: Conclusion

In the final video we wrap things up so you know exactly what you need to do first now that you’ve got all the knowledge you need to get started.

Runtime: 2:19 minutes


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