Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Google PLUS Domination

Google PLUS Domination

“Google PLUS Domination” includes 13 videos & Audios that look into

how to join google + using your google account,
Setting up your business profile properly to gain maximum exposure for your business and increase your social media presence online,
How to google circles to boost effective communication with your different networks online and build lasting relationships with them,
Use google streams to target different target audiences at the same time,
How to easily get to your customers using the real time chat available in google +,
12 ingenious ways get more google +1 recommendations, 
How to set up a “hangout”,
How to tap into google chrome extensions with google plus to gain more visibility on other social sites and boost your search engine rankings to be easily found by prospective customers,
How to be placed on the “hot list” on google + and more.


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