Friday, September 20, 2024

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$10.00 Profit Plans

$10.00 Profit Plans

Every once in a while you will hear from many an online digital info product seller that you must sell higher priced items to decrease your workload. But, do you realize how difficult selling a $80-$150 product really is?!?

If you have not "made a name" for yourself, or you are someone just beginning in the info-product industry, or even someone fairly known, it will still be quite impossible for you to gain the trust of customers to shell out that kind of money. Especially to someone they've never heard of before.

That is why to see any money when you begin, you must set your goals lower. Yes. I said l-o-w-e-r. Bet you never thought you'd hear someone tell you that, huh?!?

But it's the honest to goodness truth. If you hope to see any type of cash flow from selling info products online, then you must be realistic about how much you will be able to earn.

And in "The Infamous $10.00 Profit Plans ebook, you will learn not one, not two, but five different methods to pull in $10.00 bills over and over again.

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